Sunday 24 May 2009


Starring: Nicky Bell, Liam Boyle, Stephen Graham
Directed by: Pat Holden
Released: 22/05/2009

Awaydays is the seminal film on the experiences and evolution of the hooligan culture in football. The story centres on Paul Carty (newcomer Nick Bell), a well educated and funny youth stuck in a dreary dead end job. He becomes obsessed with trying to join the local gang, ominously labelled “The Pack”, after his mother’s death.

He finds his way in through the mysterious Elvis (Liam Boyle), a character whose very nature is exceedingly ambiguous – you’re never sure exactly what he wants; to leave the Pack? To save others from them? Or at times it seems like he wants to lead them? The point is, it doesn’t matter. He believes he’s trapped no matter what he does or what he wants, and must just make his life as good as he can while it lasts. The very fact he leaves a noose permanently tied in his bedroom suggests that he is not afraid of anything, much less as he puts it: “the absolute certainty of death”

The two boys idolise each other, one seeing the escape from his working class background, the other seeing an escape from the boredom of his dull 9 to 5 existence.

Based on the novel of the same name, the Awaydays story is already a cult classic, and this movie takes the story from the first person narrative of Carty’s story which the book gives, and fleshes out some of the other characters, giving new depth to characters such as John Godden, the leader of the gang, a superb performance from Stephen Graham (This Is England)

The film is all about authenticity, and from the green coated, Adidas trainer wearing uniform of the pack, right down to the soundtrack, (an amazing lineup of late70’s bands, from Joy Division to Echo and the Bunnymen and a whole variety in between), .the film just personifies the era so well.

This is both Boyle and Bell’s first major feature film, and to have been given the two lead roles so early in their career is a credit to them both, and they fail to disappoint. If they can continue to grow beyond this movie, they could be mainstays in British cinema for many years to come!

James Gordon

Tuesday 12 May 2009


Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana
Directed by: J.J Abrams

Having not been a fan of the Star Trek phenomenon, I was unsure of what to expect when seeing this film. Were they going to use references to the television show that I would not understand or was it going to be a film for hard-core enthusiasts or ‘trekkies’ to enjoy? Well I’m pleased to say that this film is not only accessible to those outside of the realm of Star Trek fandom, but also it is by far one of the best action films this year. It is a re-imagining of the Star Trek franchise and no prior knowledge is needed to follow the story of Captain Kirk and co.
The action starts immediately with an exciting yet very emotional beginning, which takes us straight into the story and shows the tragic fate of Captain Kirk senior. It is here where we are introduced to the enemy Nero (Eris Bana) who wants to exact revenge on Captain Spock for reasons that become clear later. As this is an origin story the characters are introduced to us and we see Spock (Quinto) and James Kirk (Pine) grow from children to Starship enterprise teammates. After the death of his father, Kirk rebels against the expectations bestowed on him from his father's death and he is seen joy riding and engaging in troublesome behavior. The more interesting story is of Spock who is born half-human and half-Vulcan and struggles with his two identities. While he wishes to be Vulcan and to educate and lead the fellow starship crew in doing so he must hold back his human emotions and feelings for a fellow Starfleet member.
Filling Spock’s shoes is Heroes bad boy Zachary Quinto. His deadpan delivery is effortless and he plays his character with great ease making it the standout performance of the film. Chris Pine while no doubt attracting the ladies fills the shoes of William Shatner earnestly and there is a great chemistry between the two leads. As the film’s only female presence, Zoe Saldana more than holds her own against her male counterparts she is given a strong empowering role and is not just the film’s eye candy. Simon Pegg also stars as Scotty and delivers some terrific one-liners in what is already a surprisingly funny film. All the actors give great performances and considering that director JJ Abrams took a gamble when hiring familiar yet not A-list actors they make the characters their own. We are introduced to a new crew and one that we can expect to see more of in the future.
JJ Abrams guides the ship and armed with a great script makes the story accessible to new fans of the franchise. The film is well structured and doesn’t let up on the action for a second, while the cinematography and special effects also deserve a mention for making the film truly come to life. It is a moment of pure escapism when we are taken into the scenes in space, which are so beautifully shot. Accompanied by a wonderful score Star Trek is a thrill ride and no doubt will convert some non-believers. It works in it own right as an ambitious blockbuster, epic as well as pleasing the existing fans. With action humour and even a budding romance Star Trek is definitely no longer just for nerds.

Rickee Bhardwaj

Monday 11 May 2009


Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez,
Jordana Brewster, John Ortiz
Directed By: Justin Lin
Released: 2009

Has no one heard of road safety?! The fourth chapter in The Fast of the Furious series sees Dominic Toretto (Diesel) and his nemeses Agent Brian O’Conner (Walker) collaborate over a mutual enemy in dangerous stunts and speeding races that you’d think would kill a man, but the two have different motives. Toretto wants to kill the guy who murdered his love by, wait for it … a car crash (what a surprise) and O’Conner wants to bring the well-known criminal to justice. But will the two get over their ongoing feud in order to catch the baddie and save the day?

There is nothing new or invigorating about the plot and forgetting the fact that the characters are as deep as a coat of paint it is actually worth watching just to see the fast-paced races and of course, Vin Diesel’s muscles. This film is perfect for petrol-heads as we zoom all over Los Angeles and Mexico and there is never a chance to get bored as the action is constantly in full throttle. To sum up, a sure crash for the girls, but win for the guys!

Becky Elizabeth Wojturska

Friday 24 April 2009

17 AGAIN (12A)

Starring: Zac Efron, Matthew Perry, Leslie Mann
Directed by: Burr Steers
Released: 10/04/2009

With Zac Efron gaining a legion of fans from the High School Musical franchise he has become a bonafide heartthrob. It appears being bland yet pretty in a feel good film can catapult you to superstardom. Putting High School Musical aside we are treated to Zac’s first leading man role in which he is really allowed to shine. Gone are the cheesy songs and one-dimensional characters and instead we see a real acting talent.

He stars as Mike O’Donnell, a basketball wonder kid (okay so it’s not a huge stretch) who never reaches his full potential to become a great basketball star. Fast forward a few years and Mike (Perry) at the age of 37 feels as though life has just passed him by and constantly regrets the life choices he made. His kids don’t want to know him and he is in the middle of a bitter divorce with his ex-wife (Mann), who is sick of his self-pity at having missed his chance at greatness.

At a nostalgic trip back to the school where it all went wrong he meets a caretaker who will give him his second chance. After a freak accident, which may test people’s imaginations, Michael is transformed into a 17-year-old Zac Efron for another chance at the life that had eluded him. In the process he is able to help his kids with boyfriends and bullies all under the guise of his best friend’s son. He also captures the attention of his soon to be ex-wife played by a great Leslie Mann and what ensues are some slightly awkward moments when she finds herself being drawn to him. He also becomes the love interest for his own daughter, which results in a very funny yet disturbing scene with him desperately trying to reject her advances.

The film also features a great sub plot involving Michael’s best friend, Ned (Thomas Lennon), who is aware of his best friend’s transformation but who is more concerned with courting the headmistress. Seeing Ned being coaxed into Mike’s plan to invade High School results in some of the film’s funniest scenes, with Efron and Lennon displaying great chemistry.

Although the concept may not be original and some viewers may find the story too far fetched it is a feel good family film with some great laughs. The film does lose a bit of momentum during the middle but is saved by some great performances and an ending which is not too predictable. Zac Efron is sure to gain some more fans as he proves his leading man chops while exuding a great charisma.

Rickee Bhardwaj

Friday 10 April 2009

In The Loop (15)

Released 17/04/2009

The film is a spin off from award winning T.V. series ‘The Thick of It’, which was an intelligent satire based on British politics. Both the series and the film are written and directed by Armando Iannucci.

Political films are not usually all that interesting or enticing. When America has taken a stab at portraying the Iraq war and the decisions behind it, on screen it has tended to play it straight down the line - films like ‘Syriana’, ‘Lions for Lambs’ and ‘In the Valley of Elah’ are examples of this approach. We Brits tend not to conform to the solemn and miserable attitude; instead we insert insults and humour via said insults.

Simon Forester (Tom Hollander) plays The Minister of International Defence - the surprising thing is that he has a finding himself as a player in a game that he does not understand the rules of and discovering that he is in way above his head. He’s assisted by a not so able team who manage to make him late to meetings and “meat in the room” during important meetings. His bungling assistant Oliver (Chris Addison) adds chaos to every situation but with vast comical effect, whilst attempting to manage his own life, as well as Simon's, with disastrous consequences.

Director, Armando Iannucci, said that the reason he made the film was ‘due to what went on in the build up to the invasion in Iraq and all the petty power politics that went on in Washington’. This is exactly what the film portrays, constantly switching from Capital Hill and British Parliament informing the audience of the decisions made in each with a few eccentric Scots thrown in for good measure. Peter Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker deserves a mention in this category, being one of the only characters who came from the T.V. series and being stark raving mad and full of rather colourful language throughout the film. James Gandolfini, of Sopranos fame plays General Miller who sits on the fence and plays an entertaining game of cat and mouse throughout, with surprising results. The other two characters worth mentioning are key players on the American side of things, Assistant Secretary of Diplomacy (Mimi Kennedy) and her nemesis, Linton (David Rasche) who, like their assistants, are locked in battle and constantly trying to outdo one another.

The film is dialogue-driven rather than plot and the enjoyment comes from the characters and their interactions and relationships with each other. Satire, spin and sex provide an expected combination for politics. There is a lot of unnecessary content in the film and scenes that act as fillers but it manages to hold its head above water, unlike Simon. The cameo from Steve Coogan is well worth looking out for too.

Amy V Gathercole

Fast and Furious (12A)

Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez,
Directed by: Justin Lin
Released: 10/04/09

The tagline reads…” New Model, Original Parts”. Essentially the original cast has remerged with a structurally (un)sound plot which is basically about women, fast cars and what makes their engines rev. So no changes there, though this one involves more emotion and a revenge plot. Then again do you actually expect anything different from the fourth in this franchise?

Ex-con, Dom (Vin Diesel) and F.B.I Agent, O’Conner (Paul Walker) find themselves attempting to take down a drug lord with a grudge. Both have their own agenda and will have to work together to achieve it. The film engages with a brief flirtation of asking its audience to take it seriously by using subtitles and exotic locations, it even requires you to use your brain in some scenes…

The first film was like getting behind the wheel of a car when you first turn seventeen… a new and exciting feeling. The second recreated the emotion you feel upon passing your driving test (relief and anticipation) and the third...sadly the third is when you crash a car and it becomes a write off… the fourth, I am happy to inform you, is a mixture of the first two with a few new illegal mod cons built in.

Since I first saw Herbie as a child I have been fascinated by cars and what they can do… my secret dream is to be a street racer, a dream sadly hindered by the fact that I only possess a provisional driving licence! This film is not and never will be as good as classic car films such as The Italian Job (the original, not the remake), Gone in 60 Seconds (the remake, not the original) or even Pixars’ Cars. But, for a rough and ready high speed chase or two and an adrenalin injection or three, this ticks all the boxes.

Amy V Gathercole

Let the Right One In

Released 10/04/2009

Although recent horror films have mainly consisted of remakes and gore-fests, here is a film that will reaffirm your belief in the horror genre. Gone are the drunken teenagers and the cliché shock tactics and instead we are left with a powerful story of a friendship that quickly turns more sinister.
We are taken into 1980s Stockholm and we follow 12-year-old Oskar, a lonely boy bullied by his peers and repressing his urge to retaliate. He meets Eli, a young girl for which it would appear life too is a lonely one, and so their friendship begins. Although Oskar is unaware of the true identity of Eli, who is in fact a vampire, the two become close and their lives quickly become entwined. Eli helps Oskar to fend off his bullies; an incident that has horrific consequences for all involved.
Eli is a vampire, yet the film's director, Tomas Alfredson, treads away from clichés of previous vampire films such as fangs and bats and instead, a sense of realism is injected. This is achieved through the use of dark lighting and the grainy camera style. When Eli must hunt for her victims there are no long drawn out scenes depicting their deaths, yet an air of suspense is still maintained and adds to the unpredictability of the film. Eli comes across as a lonely girl who must hunt to survive and so the audience is made to feel sorry for her. The film moves along at a steady pace, all the while focusing on the friendship between Eli and Oskar. The film steers away from the horror and we are shown the power of a true friendship with subtle hints at a romance that is not explored.
The two leads Kare Hedebrant and Lina Leanderson give great performances making the friendship between their characters believable, further adding to the sense of realism.
It is the great performances and the originality of both film and film style that make this a must-see. Swedish horror may not be everyone’s preference but this is a film worth watching - if only to see what happens if you don’t invite a vampire into your home, which culminates in an unforgettable scene.

Rickee Bhardwaj

Monday 16 March 2009

HUSH (15)

Starring: William Ash, Christine Bottomley
Directed by: Mark Tonderai
Released: 13/03/2009

The film starts with an ordinary northern couple arguing on the verge of a break-up, whilst racing down the M1 in the heavy rain at night. The male protagonist, Zakes Abbot (Ash), is driving along English motorways for his temporary job putting up posters at service stations, but secretly hoping to be a writer. Suddenly all vehicles come screeching to a halt due to an unexpected traffic jam, the back door of the lorry in front flies briefly open, and Zakes thinks he has seen a naked, tied-up girl caged inside. Panicked he wakes his girlfriend, Beth (Bottomley), who convinces him to call the police and follow the lorry. Unfortunately the police are no help, and he decides he may have been mistaken. Choosing to ignore it he carries on with his night-job (much to the dismay of Beth). However, abruptly events and priorities turn on their heads as his girlfriend goes missing and Zakes has to single-handedly confront a very real form of evil.

When the film started I was unsure if I was going to warm to it. It appeared to be awkwardly scripted, badly acted, badly characterised and with a mix of strange, seemingly confused accents. However, much to my surprise it went on to be an excellent, quintessentially English piece of low-budget filmmaking – the first time director, Tonderai, manages to produce a neat and highly tense classic thriller. Furthermore, despite first judgements the two leading characters were very convincing in their actions; they stayed away from the ridiculous conventions normally so familiar to horror, where the characters set themselves up for failure. Instead they accurately portrayed the actions and decisions of people in panic. The film, which takes place over the duration of one night with intense (and perhaps over-used) pathetic fallacy ahoy, fully encompasses the dark edginess that I love so much about British film.

Lizzie Goodman

Monday 12 January 2009



To celebrate the diversity of film writing from around the web, Total Film launches its inaugural Movie Blog Awards today. The Total Film team have compiled a list of their favourite independent blogs and categorised them into genres that visitors to can vote on.

Blogs have become part of daily life for tech-savvy film fans out there and some of the bigger and longer running blogs have established themselves as trusted destinations for up-to-theminute
film news and gossip. The nominations for the first annual Movie Blog Awards
features a cross section of blogs of all genres and sizes. Mainstream blogs including Perez Hilton, SlashFilm, Hollywood Daily and The Movie Blog sit alongside the more obscure blogs such as Cult Trailers, OMG Horror and I Love Korean Movies among others.

The categories and nominations for the inaugural Total Film Movie Blog Awards are as

1. Majors – the big blogs of the film world
The Movie Blog
Screen Rant
First Showing

2. Fan – blogs about one film or franchise
The Hobbit Movie
Transformers Live
Twilight Movie News
Trek Movie

3. Horror – blogs about horror movies
Hammer and Beyond
Fatally Yours
OMG Horror
Horror Movies Blog
The Vault Of Horror

4. Cult – the best of cult movies
Cult Trailers
Cult Sirens
House of Self-Indulgence
Criterion Contraption
Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies
T: +44 20 78 02 01 60 | E: |

5. World / Indie – blogs about non-Hollywood fare
I Love Korean Movie
European Films
Like Anna Karina’s Sweater
Movie City Indie

6. Hollywood – The latest news and gossip from Hollywood
Hollywood Daily
Women And Hollywood
Perez Hilton

With more and more blogs and sites appearing every week, the Total Film Movie Blog
Awards are a fantastic opportunity to showcase the variety of film genres and expose film fans to new and exciting film websites that they may not normally encounter. The sites that have been nominated are at the forefront of movie news, gossip and reporting and represent some of the brightest new talent in film journalism. Voting in the inaugural Total Film Movie Blog Awards will close on January 25 2009 and the winners will be announced through on January 26 2009. Have your say now. Vote for your favouritemovie blog.


Melanie Ward
Film Sub-Editor 2008/2009

Thursday 8 January 2009

Max Payne

Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Beau Bridges, Ludacris
Directed by: John Moore
Released: 14/11/2008 literally that . . . a pain! Walking out of the cinema, I was questioning whether I would rather break my leg and suffer excruciating physical pain or be forced to watch Max Payne again... I’d happily take the cast.
I think out of all of the reviews I have read about this film, two were positive towards this shambles of cinematic viewing. Mark “Marky-Mark” Wahlberg plays ex-homicide cop, Payne, whose wife and child were brutally murdered and ever since he has been seeking vengeance and knowledge. Everyone who seems to be a lead is either a liar or meets an unfortunate end. Be careful who you trust?
Based on a very popular selling video game, on paper this film had a lot of promise. A huge fan base already existed due to the game so a lot of great things could have happened – but didn’t. Firstly, the script is completely dire and the acting (particularly from Mila Kunis – last seen in Forgetting Sarah Marshall) is worthy of a Razzie. Move over Lindsay Lohan! As for the plot, it should have stuck to the console. The film relies way too much on atmosphere and whilst attempting to copy the beautiful and clever style of Sin City it manages to overuse the one thing it has going for it – the cinematography. The entire film is set in dark and seedy areas with snow constantly falling. Sound familiar?
The actions sequences are average, it annoyed me that the film is nowhere near as exciting as it should have been. Granted, Payne is not a superhero; but nor is Batman and look how high The Dark Knight raised the bar for its genre this past summer! I wanted this to be good. I kept lying to myself and saying it would get better any minute… sadly, just like Payne’s predicament I was living in denial without a clue.

Amy V Gathercole