Sunday 2 November 2008

Issue 2: Horror Feature!


THE RING (2002)
Directed by: Gore Verbinski

“Before you die, you see the ring”. This remake of the Japanese original successfully mixes suspense, mystery and horror and produces a film that will have you watching most of it through the slits of your fingers… or at least as far away from the television as possible.
Faced with the mysterious death of her niece and after more strikingly similar fatalities occur, reporter Keller (Naomi Watts) investigates; only to find a video tape is behind the deaths, but how is this so? She watches the tape and receives a phone-call simply saying “seven days”. From here, we are thrown into a race for time for Rachel to unravel the mystery behind the tape in order to save the lives of herself, her son and her ex-partner.
It’s the perfect horror for those wishing to relive the atmosphere of Halloween and after seven days have passed, you will start to feel safe again. Just think twice the next time you hear the phone ring . . .

Becky Wojturska

1 comment:

Platform online: Film said...

The original Japanese horrors have something very different to offer to their remakes for Western audiences. ‘Ringu’, (the original version of The Ring) and ‘Ju-On’ (The Grudge) are both more subtle horror films that may be slower-paced, but they draw in the viewer psychologically. Before you even realise you are petrified, it is too late.
If you are someone who expects to be grabbed by a film within 10 minutes, however, the remakes will be more appropriate for you.

Mel x